Wow, its almost over

So, where do I begin. Time is going flying by and I'm getting ready to head out now on a month long tour of Europe. Hopefully I won't look this silly. So I know I mentioned in my last posting that I would write more about the meaning of this all. Well, what can I say but I need more time to digest. I don't know if I will be able to fully break this all done until I get home. The next month will be crazy...we are staying with host families in most of the cities we are going to. I don't know how much I will be blogging while I'm out there, but I will try to audio blog with my cell. So pay attention for that.
Well here are some thoughts to keep my evaluation going: Thing I learned to enjoy while in Europe.
* Scarfs are great, cheap and provide much warmth
* Attractive garbage cans everywhere you walk help keep the city clean
* Can't lie, I'm gonna miss great public transportation. ( although I do miss my car)
* There is always time for cafe
* Socialism is cool but so is Capitalism
* Small, efficient vehicles are a more practicle who really needs a V8 besides heavy duty work trucks
* Automatic light switches are great...when a room is empty turn off the lights.
* Walking fast only gets you tired, especially when you realize there is no rush
* We need more roundabouts in our streets and less stop signs
* ATMs on every street corner is great
* I appreciate good customer service back home..."the customer is #1" doesn't exsist here
* Cities back home would be cooler with more fountains
* Fried food is yummie, but not everyday....I've gained about 15 lbs
* Meeting poepl in concert lines is fun, chec out "day in london" look for me
* Not having to tip will be a difficult habit to stop when I get home.
* Wine in a juice box is a kickin idea
* I heart blood sausage or blood pudding
* Free daily newspapers are great
* Why aren't there hostels in the U.S.
* Last but not're never too old to nap
Hopefully you get to read this before you take off on your whirlwind tour of the rest of Europe. I just finished correcting my Sophomore's World History exams which was a little depresssing. Anyways, in the past few weeks I've been adding in to each lesson a "Why do we care" section basically trying to outline all the points you made in your last blog about the misunderstandings in the world. I tell them that one of the reasons people around the world don't like America is because "you don't care" Whether or not they buy it, I don't know, but at least I try to open their eyes to a world outside South Dakota...yeesh...Anyway, enjoy your last weeks. Bring me back a soccer jersey.
That is great. Make 'em think. No, really I intersted to hear how your "semester abroad" in SD went. There was a 32 year old lady in our program who is a middle school teacher. She taught inner city kids in Minneapolis for awhile...then moved to L.A. and tought. Talk about crazy stories from that girl ... 13 year olds getting pregnant...fights everyday...chairs thrown at her...there is no way I could do it. I have a whole new respect for teachers like her.
Anyway, tell your kids to go to Europe and all the reading will make sense. I'm just dumbfounded at how close everything is here yet how different it is. You need to get our here and rome around for a few months...I'd be good for ya. Just remember the teachers that challenge a kid to think even when they don't want to and think you're being a dick for making them think....those teachers are the ones most remembered and repected in the end. I'll always remember Mr. Lemke at Cross of Christ...probably the smartest guy I know. Total jerk(at the time),hard grader, major dork because he knew everything about everything. But looking back I was super lucky...lucky to realize after it all, he was teaching 7th and 8th graders out of 10th and 11th grade text books! Those are the teachers that retire and their students from 10, 15, 20 years ago attend to say thanks.
I think you're doing the right thing Paulie...using your talent to give back to others is more rewarding than being a slave to Mr. Jim Bob CEO so he and wifey can fly to Maui for the weekend.
I'm almost certain I won't return to the corporate world...I know I'll be provided for when I sacrific myself for others. 40 years of built of investments and pay raises will be nice, but not as nice at that one person who thanks you for what you gave them 40 years ago.
I'm looking at Peace Corps when I get home, I'm not done travelling yet. And I'm surfing tones of Non-Profit Orgs for work...and the great thing is, there is alot out there.
Well buddy, I'm leaving for Paris tomorrow. I'll see ya soon
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