ahhh a little time to relax and think
So, after being in the the Canary Islands for the past weekend. I now can say that I have some time to rest (two weeks) before my time is finished in Valladolid. I have to finish up a lil homework, take a few tests and write a paper about the industrialization of spain during the Franco regime (in spanish, yikes). After Spain I will be traveling throughout Europe with Kendra. We will be hitting up France, Belgium, Holland, southern Germany, Czech, Austria, Northern Italy, and Switzerland....then back to Paris where I fly to Amsterdam and then home to MLPS on Jan 13th. !! So who's planning my welcome party??? eh eh anyone? jk
So I'm still in the phase of letting all my experiences settle, but I can start to put a few things together. I titled this blog "what will happen today?" "the blog of a man traveling to learn more about himself, others and what it means to live"...well... thats alot to take in but here we go. I am proud to say that each day I didn't know what would happen (of course anyone can say that because in reality we never know whats going to happen, but thats not the point) and with each day I learned more than I thought even though it didn't seem like it. I'm referring to my spanish, my conversation with spaniards, and my knowledge of spain and europe in general. Looking back, I am shocked at the amount of traveling I have done. I can't explain the feeling of being so close to so many cultures and the ability to fly cheaply anywhere and two hours later be in a different "world" ....I have come to appreciate the amount of work it must take to run and control, oh lets say the united states which is about the same size if not bigger than europe. I have come to appreciate the idea of being "American" that we have in the United States...anywhere you travel in the states we can share many of the same feelings and ideas, but in Europe in the time it takes to fly from MLPS to NYC you are in a different country with different ideas and values and culture...they are all "European" but the togetherness and community isn't there. Does that make sense? I doubt some one would make a European version of that horrible song "Proud to be an American".
But I want to make it clear that I am not saying I appreciate nationalism, this is a very very dangerous line that I do not want to cross....from studying the nationalism in spain...which led to fascism and hearing and seeing the nationalism that still exsists in spain and italy and german and probably every country, including the US, I want to avoid going there and urge others to be aware of it and take notice. In a global world, nationalism prevents an understanding of those around us, it breeds false ideology, it leads us to say "who belongs and who doesn't", it pushes religion on everyone, it causes discrimination based upon languages, it leads people to be un-rational and make decisions based on emotion and the heat of the moment...it gives us the patriot act...homeland security...it gives us the war on terrorism, WMDs, the evil doers, racism, xenophobia, violation of human rights, an un just and un necessary war, rhetoric about democracy (aka the idea that the US is the only country with democracy and that we are doing the world a favor by sharing it with everyone.....many countries have great democracies), nationalism protects and closes our boarders, from who? terrorists? no mostly people who want to work and who are willing to take those lowly jobs no one wants.
In times of tension and hardship beware of those to rally us with nationalism....read some history, read about WWI and WWII....."you're either with us or against us" right?? who belongs on the good guys team?? serve your country, protect us from the evil doers, pledge your allegiance to your country.....
yes this is what you think it is....how to pledge allegiance to America in our past...remind you of something else?
NOW, I want to also note I am using the US as an example because it is what I know best, many of the characteristics above are similar for any country, for any religious sect or group of fundamentalists. Is it not safe to assume that many of the conflicts in the world today are due to a lack of understanding of each other? due to a belief that I am right and they are wrong? due to the idea that my way is the best way? due to being too proud....too protective...too stubborn...TOO nationalistic?
I want to continue with more ideas and things that I have learned or thought about while here...but I will stop here for digestion and reflection. This is one of the many things that I hope to comment about with regard to my experience abroad.
I hope all are well and I look forward to being home with all of you.
So I'm still in the phase of letting all my experiences settle, but I can start to put a few things together. I titled this blog "what will happen today?" "the blog of a man traveling to learn more about himself, others and what it means to live"...well... thats alot to take in but here we go. I am proud to say that each day I didn't know what would happen (of course anyone can say that because in reality we never know whats going to happen, but thats not the point) and with each day I learned more than I thought even though it didn't seem like it. I'm referring to my spanish, my conversation with spaniards, and my knowledge of spain and europe in general. Looking back, I am shocked at the amount of traveling I have done. I can't explain the feeling of being so close to so many cultures and the ability to fly cheaply anywhere and two hours later be in a different "world" ....I have come to appreciate the amount of work it must take to run and control, oh lets say the united states which is about the same size if not bigger than europe. I have come to appreciate the idea of being "American" that we have in the United States...anywhere you travel in the states we can share many of the same feelings and ideas, but in Europe in the time it takes to fly from MLPS to NYC you are in a different country with different ideas and values and culture...they are all "European" but the togetherness and community isn't there. Does that make sense? I doubt some one would make a European version of that horrible song "Proud to be an American".
But I want to make it clear that I am not saying I appreciate nationalism, this is a very very dangerous line that I do not want to cross....from studying the nationalism in spain...which led to fascism and hearing and seeing the nationalism that still exsists in spain and italy and german and probably every country, including the US, I want to avoid going there and urge others to be aware of it and take notice. In a global world, nationalism prevents an understanding of those around us, it breeds false ideology, it leads us to say "who belongs and who doesn't", it pushes religion on everyone, it causes discrimination based upon languages, it leads people to be un-rational and make decisions based on emotion and the heat of the moment...it gives us the patriot act...homeland security...it gives us the war on terrorism, WMDs, the evil doers, racism, xenophobia, violation of human rights, an un just and un necessary war, rhetoric about democracy (aka the idea that the US is the only country with democracy and that we are doing the world a favor by sharing it with everyone.....many countries have great democracies), nationalism protects and closes our boarders, from who? terrorists? no mostly people who want to work and who are willing to take those lowly jobs no one wants.
In times of tension and hardship beware of those to rally us with nationalism....read some history, read about WWI and WWII....."you're either with us or against us" right?? who belongs on the good guys team?? serve your country, protect us from the evil doers, pledge your allegiance to your country.....

NOW, I want to also note I am using the US as an example because it is what I know best, many of the characteristics above are similar for any country, for any religious sect or group of fundamentalists. Is it not safe to assume that many of the conflicts in the world today are due to a lack of understanding of each other? due to a belief that I am right and they are wrong? due to the idea that my way is the best way? due to being too proud....too protective...too stubborn...TOO nationalistic?
I want to continue with more ideas and things that I have learned or thought about while here...but I will stop here for digestion and reflection. This is one of the many things that I hope to comment about with regard to my experience abroad.
I hope all are well and I look forward to being home with all of you.